Welcome Address 

Dear colleagues,

It is my pleasure to send you the preliminary programme and call for Abstracts of the 5th Iberian and 2nd Iberoamerican Congress of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (CICTA 2003) entitled "Environmental Problems in an Iberoamerican Context".

I would like to give you three main reasons regarding the importance of your participation in CICTA 2003:

First, it will be an excellent opportunity to discuss problems related to environmental contamination, with special relevance for the situation in Iberoamerican countries. The presence of colleagues from different regions and working in different research areas will certainly be a valuable contribution in facing these problems from an integrated perspective and to delineate new lines of action. This will also be a good opportunity to promote new collaborations and to bring closer the relationships already existing.

Second, after the formal and legal constitution of the Iberoamerican Society of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (SICTA) as a non-profit scientific association, it is time to elect its Directive Boards for the next two years. The elections will be held during CICTA 2003 and the actual provisional council is pleased to organise the election process. Therefore, I would like to invite you to kindly propose candidate lists for the Directive Boards of SICTA (see General Assembly page for details).

Finally, the third reason is the importance of your contribution to the choice of SICTA definitive logotype. For this, I would also like to invite you to actively participate in the process by sending your logotype proposal as soon as possible (see SICTA General Assembly page for details).

Looking forward to the pleasure of seeing you in Porto for CICTA 2003,

Best regards.

Lúcia Guilhermino

President of SICTA

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Sociedade Iberoamericana de Contaminação  e Toxicologia Ambiental
Sociedad Iberoamericana de Toxicologia  y Contaminación Ambiental

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  Last update: 12-10-2003

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